Project for a quiz about animals developed during the intensive week react 2nd Edition Next.js prepared by the Alura team
The Project was developed in January 2021 in the intensive week react 2nd Edition Next.js prepared by the Alura team.
The intensive weeks help a lot in improving skills of programming, as it is a whole week of code for 2-3 hours a day. This helps a lot to stick and more importantly, as it's a simple, one-week project, it's usually easy to finish and that's why we get that feeling of reward for finishing a project, often in the schedule, we end up leaving projects unfinished.
It was a great experience, because despite being a relatively simple project, at that time, I still didn't have many skills to create react apps. Furthermore, it was in this project that I discovered Next JS, an incredible framework that greatly improves the frontend development experience.
Another thing I learned was to use JSONs in React, as As I said previously, at that time I wasn't yet familiar with the language, and learning about JSONs is essential for any programmer in any language.
Alura Quiz is a project a quiz. The teachers left our choice of what the quiz would be, and at that time, my family had just adopted a kitten, Luna, so I decided to do it about animals. (Luna is not the cat in the project photo lol).

The quiz consists of general questions about animals, a gif for each question with only one correct answer and a point count.
On the project's home screen, we also have 3 quizzes from other people who participated in the intensive week and which were projects that I found interesting.